Thursday, May 6, 2010

Lookie What I Made!

Thanks for all of the suggestions from the all those times I rant about being a Modest Mormon. I did get a suggestion from Anna (who is NOT Mormon, by the way) to try some 50's style knee length skirts. I got me some fabric and am in the process of making me a few skirts. I want them to be able to be worn high on the waist or down on the hips. I also wanted to go with a fun pattern, but one that wasn't so crazy- just in case I wanted to mix it with some other cool pattern. I also made it a little more A Line. Here it is. :)

(Sorry. I know it's repetitive since I posted the same thing on my other blog..)


  1. I love it! I would totally love a skirt like that. Did you use a tutorial or anything?

  2. Thanks guys! Actually, no I didn't use a tutorial, I kind of made it up as I went. I'll try and make a step by step next time I make a skirt!

  3. I love that! So cute. :)

