Thursday, February 24, 2011

Home Alone!

We FINALLY got it on video.
One of Calvin's most popular tricks since he was just about since he could walk!

The way he squishes his little cheeks. I could just squeeeeeeze him all day long.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Fattening Treats.

Sorry I'm late in posting this, ladies.

Last Thursday, I and some of my favorite girls from the former Los Hermanos crew got together for a small reunion. I had a ball chatting it up, reminiscing and talking about what's new in our lives. At the end of our visit, we enjoyed our delicious cookies. I'm not 100% sure what this recipe is or even what the name of this cookie is. But it was GOOOOODDD.

Dear Pearl and Janeal, 
Lets not take forever til our next get-together? 
Love, Ang.

Can the Terrible Twos come early? 
Hypothetically speaking, if your friend's kid was super sensitive all of a sudden, started throwing tantrums, scratching and hitting, would you say he's started with his Terrible Twos phase? 
Just hypothetically speaking... 

↑ Calvin being cute and NOT being Terrible Twos-y ↑

Thursday, February 10, 2011

The Kid Likes To Boogy

Always happens. I bring out the camera for a cute moment and all the cuteness turns off. He's completely uninterested in being cute for the camera. But FINALLY I got him dancing like he does at home.
I love this about Cal. About babies in general, actually. The minute Cal hears music, he starts to dance. He hears people laughing and talking and laughs and talks along with them! I should take note from him. Adults are so tainted by what people will think of them if they just bust out dancing because they love a song.  Babies don't do that. They love what they love.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Down With A Sickness

Look at this face. Look at those little puffy sad eyes.

I'm telling you, people. It was SAD.

He literally sat on that couch for HOURS before moving. 

The Little Man

Calvin is officially all caught up on his shots.

Oh don't worry, the had to suffer through 7 SHOTS.
Needless to say, the next day was rough. I had 3 shots myself, although the worst of my suffering was just sore shoulders. Calvin woke up drenched in sweat, totally lethargic, appetite lost. Probably the most pitiful of these things was that Calvin's legs were so sore that his legs couldn't hold his weight! Every time he tried to stand up, his legs would shake uncontrollably and buckle because they were in so much pain. Not to mention the poor little guy just couldn't stop crying!
Around nap #2 of the day, after a warm bath in an effort to try to bring down the fever, I put Cal down in his crib and noticed he was shaking so violently from the chills that his whole crib shook! I hated watching my Calvin in such a horrible state! I literally couldn't do any more than I already had.

Thankfully, by the time Calvin had woken up from his nap, his fever broke! After that, a little food, and some small efforts to try to stand up on his own two feet despite the pain in his legs.

The next day, it was like he'd never been sick!
Walking around, eating, playing.
Still a bit of leg stiffness, but nothing compared to the previous day.

I am so glad to have this kid back to his usual self.

Apologies if the pictures are just slightly blurry. There was a lot of movement to try to capture with my wimpy little digital camera.