Thursday, February 10, 2011

The Kid Likes To Boogy

Always happens. I bring out the camera for a cute moment and all the cuteness turns off. He's completely uninterested in being cute for the camera. But FINALLY I got him dancing like he does at home.
I love this about Cal. About babies in general, actually. The minute Cal hears music, he starts to dance. He hears people laughing and talking and laughs and talks along with them! I should take note from him. Adults are so tainted by what people will think of them if they just bust out dancing because they love a song.  Babies don't do that. They love what they love.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness! How adorable! All he needs to perform is a stage like he has in the video, make one at home and I'm sure he'll perform for you all the time!
