Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The Littlest Pals.

Calvin's Grandparents (On his Gomez side) took a little trip to Peru a few weeks back and brought Calvin the cutest little play things in the world! I can hardly believe that someone took the time to make these! I'm tempted to pick up some knitting needles (or crochet hook; however you make these little buggers) and learn to make some myself! And then I remember how unmotivated I get when they don't turn out like I want them to. It usually results in having a half-made whatever and then sits in my craft box in the closet doomed to be unfinished for eternity (*echo* -ity-ty-ty!)

Anyway, I think they're much more fun for me right now than they are for Calvin. Yes, he plays with them okay, makes them crash into each other or dive out of the crib but I just love looking at them and examining the little details on them!
Take a look.

The Animals: 

And my personal favorites: 

The Whole Gang: 

1 comment:

  1. My in-laws go to Mexico frequently and they brought Olivia a little pink elephant finger puppet! It's pretty much the cutest pink elephant I've ever seen.
