Friday, February 19, 2010

Trip Kainoa McGlurkin?

Apparently I had a dream about Trip and was talking to him in my sleep. I asked David what I said and he just told me he couldn't understand most of what I'd said... Does that mean he just doesn't want to tell me?

Anyway, I was just wandering through iphoto and found a ton of pictures that I meant to post online, but never have! Some of them are from what seems to be AGES ago. So, sorry for the delay! Here they are:

(Click on the pictures to enlarge!)

↑↑ Chipmunk!! ↑↑

↑↑ Utah Lake  Field Trip ↑↑

↑↑ Children's Place! ↑↑

↑↑ My favorite picture of my mom and Cal ↑↑

↑↑ Upside Down Time ↑↑

↑↑ David swears he looks like Aunt Sharon with his glasses on.. I don't see it. ↑↑

↑↑ Just watchin' some reality TV ↑↑

↑↑ Chillin' with Cousin Noah ↑↑

↑↑ In his Thanksgiving outfit, Ha! ↑↑

↑↑ Playing with his hair! ↑↑

↑↑ Bein' Two Hang-Out Dudes ↑↑

↑↑ Another of my favorite pictures of Cal ↑↑

↑↑ Liberace! ↑↑

↑↑ He just melts my butter. :) ↑↑

(Ahem... ) And now some pictures that aren't Calvin, but I wanted to post somewhere. I won't be offended if you just skip over this last part. :) 

↑ My Halloween Jack-o-lantern! A cheerful chap. ↑

↑ One of my favorite paintings. ↑

↑ I'm not totally sure... ↑

↑ David and I on New Year's Eve 2009 ↑

↑ David and Andrea arguing over which taco stand is better. ↑

↑ The sign I made for our window in honor of our LOST Party ↑


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