Tuesday, December 28, 2010

In His Natural Habitat.

One of his new favorite things. His Toy Story Tent!
Turns out, hanging out in Calvin's tent is one of Cal's and David's favorite things to do together.
Lots of getting in and out, lots of peeking through the holes and tipping the tent over!

David is a little bit big for the tent, but that doesn't stop him from squeezing in there!
Does everyone just LOVE that Calvin is wearing his Superhero cape? CUTE!

The Post That Never Ends!

Sorry people. Lots to post on recent Holiday Happenings.

Christmas Eve.

I wasn't allowed to go in while my present was being brought in and wrapped. David kept me guessing for a few weeks before Christmas giving me NO HINTS (this is big for David). I had no idea what he had for me! This was a picture taken after all the wrapping had been done. I seriously still can't believe that David wrapped this...?

Calvin likes to sit on Dozer... Most times  Cal goes and sits on Dozer's head. Dozer just lays there and takes it. He's such a good puppy. 

Wrapped Christmas present for Angie. Hm, I wonder what it could be!

Christmas Morning. 

We had our little Christmas Celebration with my family the night before they went on their trip to Peru for Christmas! Calvin got all sorts of fun things from his Gomez Grandparents. He is spoiled ROTTEN. And Christmas Day, we opened presents from Santa and from his Grandma & Grandpa Miller. Again - spoiled rotten! Calvin really liked the opening of presents... enough that he even helped us open some of our presents (the bike included!)

The beginning of our unwrapping of presents.. 

I realize that I look AWFUL. As a rule, we didn't usually get up for Christmas in our family before 9 or 10 in the morning. So I realize my eyes are all puffy but hey... it was like 7a.m..... give me a break. I really can say I didn't want to post the video, but it's more for family in other places since they didn't get to partake in our morning festivities...

I hope everyone had a great Christmas!! 

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Zumba. Need I say more?

And now....

A little bit about an obsession of mine.

(anyone surprised?)

Here are some pictures from a recent 2-hour Zumba event (or Zumbathon, as it is lovingly called) I attended. Wooo!

My sisters and I after the Provo Zumbathon 

This was a Zumbathon held in Midvale. I got some AIR!

The Instructors and I. We are a pretty good lookin' group, no?

Provo Zumbathon up on that scary wobbly "stage".

Midvale Zumbathon shakin' our bootays! 
Nice and sweaty!!

You can read more about it here on the Zumba Blog. 

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The Kinley Calvin Fort.

Just draped some extra cloth across my table & clipped the ends to some chairs and Voila! You've got yourself a fort. An ingenious creation to keep little babies busy for everrr!

Sorry for the poor quality. Phone picture, ya dig?

Thursday, December 2, 2010

My Ladies Man.

So cute. SO CUTE!
My little Calvin giving Kinley a hug. Which eventually turned into just a one arm thing around her shoulders. They were both so hypnotized by Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.

Little cuties.

Handy Man

A Helping

Probably nothing gives Calvin more delight than going and "helping" his parents. He loves to steal my broom or rubber gloves while I clean, likes to put things in the garbage (even things that don't necessarily belong there) and most recently: 

"Helping" David shoot evil zombies... ? 

And as soon as these two Hang-Out Dudes have had their
fill of evil zombie shooting, they get together for a little chillaxin' time
by the TV (Note: This was David's early surprise Christmas present. 
I am the best wife, ever.)